dnsenum is a tool used to perform DNS enumeration, which is the process of gathering information about a target domain's DNS records. Here are the steps to install and use dnsenum to perform a DNS enumeration on the domain "example.com":
Official Home Page: https://github.com/SparrowOchon/dnsenum2
Install dnsenum: dnsenum can be installed on most Linux distributions by using the package manager. For example, on Debian-based systems, you can install dnsenum using the following command:
Run dnsenum: To run dnsenum, open a terminal and enter the following command:
This will start dnsenum and it will begin to gather information about the domain's DNS records. The results of the enumeration will be displayed in the terminal.
Analyze the results: The results of the DNS enumeration will include information about the target domain's DNS servers, hostnames, IP addresses, email servers, and more. You can use this information to gain a better understanding of the target domain's infrastructure and to identify potential vulnerabilities.
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