
Censys is a search engine that allows you to find and explore internet-connected devices and the services they host. Here are the steps to use Censys for reconnaissance of the domain "example.com" endpoints and hosts:

URL: https://censys.io/

  1. Create an account: Visit the Censys website and create an account to gain access to the search engine.

  2. Search for the target domain: Once you have logged in, you can use the search bar to search for the target domain. For example, you can search for "example.com" to find all the endpoints and hosts associated with the domain.

  3. Analyze the results: Review the results of the search and look for any relevant information about the target domain. Censys will provide information about the IP addresses, protocols, and ports associated with the domain, along with any SSL/TLS certificates and other information that might be useful for reconnaissance.

  4. Filter the results: You can use the filters available in Censys to narrow down the search results and find specific information. For example, you can filter the results by port, protocol, or certificate information to focus on specific types of endpoints and hosts.

  5. Repeat the process: Repeat the above steps and search for different keywords related to the target domain to find more information about the endpoints and hosts associated with the domain.

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