
Installing Amass

Amass is an open-source tool that can be installed on various operating systems. The installation process may vary depending on the operating system you are using, but you can find the instructions on how to install Amass on the official GitHub repository.

Here are the steps to install Amass on some common operating systems:

  1. Install on Linux: To install Amass on a Linux system, follow these steps:

  • Download the latest version of Amass from the official GitHub repository:

  • Unzip the downloaded file:

  • Move the Amass binary to a location in your PATH:

sudo mv amass /usr/local/bin/
  1. Install on macOS: To install Amass on a macOS system, follow these steps:

  • Download the latest version of Amass from the official GitHub repository:

curl -LO
  • Unzip the downloaded file:

  • Move the Amass binary to a location in your PATH:

sudo mv amass /usr/local/bin/
  1. Install on Windows: To install Amass on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  • Download the latest version of Amass from the official GitHub repository:

  • Unzip the downloaded file.

  • Add the Amass binary to your PATH environment variable.

These steps should help you install Amass on your system. After installation, you can verify the installation by running the following command in a terminal or command prompt:

amass version

This should display the version number of Amass that you have installed.

Enumerating subdomains

To use Amass to enumerate subdomains on the domain, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Amass: To use Amass, you will need to install it on your system. The installation process may vary depending on the operating system you are using, but you can find the instructions on how to install Amass on the official GitHub repository.

  2. Run Amass: Once Amass is installed, open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where Amass is installed. To run Amass on the domain, use the following command:

amass enum -d
  1. Analyze the output: Amass will begin enumerating subdomains for the domain, and the results will be displayed in the terminal or command prompt. You can save the output to a file for further analysis by using the following command:

amass enum -d -o example_subdomains.txt
  1. Verify the results: Amass might not find all subdomains of a domain, so it is a good practice to verify the results by checking the DNS records of the target domain. You can use tools like dig, nslookup, or whois to verify the results.

Bruteforcing subdomains

Amass can also be used to perform a subdomain brute force attack. This process involves attempting to discover subdomains by generating and testing a large number of potential subdomain names. To use Amass for brute force subdomain enumeration on the domain, you can follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a wordlist: A wordlist is a file that contains a list of potential subdomain names. You can use an existing wordlist or create a custom wordlist for the target domain. There are several online sources where you can find wordlists for various domains.

  2. Run Amass: Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where Amass is installed. To run a brute force attack on the domain using the wordlist, use the following command:

amass brute -d -w wordlist.txt
  1. Analyze the output: Amass will begin brute forcing subdomains for the domain using the wordlist, and the results will be displayed in the terminal or command prompt. You can save the output to a file for further analysis by using the following command:

amass brute -d -w wordlist.txt -o example_subdomains.txt
  1. Verify the results: As with any subdomain enumeration, it is important to verify the results by checking the DNS records of the target domain. You can use tools like dig, nslookup, or whois to verify the results.

Note that brute force attacks can be resource-intensive and can take a long time to complete, depending on the size of the wordlist and the number of potential subdomains. Also, it is important to conduct subdomain brute force attacks in a legal and ethical manner and with the permission of the target domain's owner.

Information Gathering on

Amass is a powerful tool that can be used for various reconnaissance tasks, including information gathering for a specific domain. To use Amass for intelligence on the domain "", follow these steps:

  1. Start Amass with the following command:

amass intel -src -d

The -src option is used to enable source resolution, which means Amass will perform DNS resolution on each subdomain and will also attempt to identify the IP address of each host. The -d option is used to specify the target domain, which in this case is "".

  1. Wait for the Amass scan to complete. The amount of time it takes to complete the scan will depend on the number of subdomains, the sources being used, and the speed of your network connection.

  2. Once the scan is complete, you will see a list of subdomains and IP addresses for the "" domain. You can save this information to a file for further analysis by using the -o option:

amass intel -src -d -o example_com_output.txt

This will create a file named "example_com_output.txt" in the current directory, containing the results of the Amass scan.

These are the basic steps for using Amass for intelligence gathering on a specific domain. You can find more information on the options available with Amass by running the following command:

amass intel -h

This will display the help information for the intel command, which includes a description of each option and how to use it.

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